Anjula Rajapaksha Beauty model and Actress in Sri Lanka

Anjula Rajapaksha ia very Popular and Beautiful actress is sri lanka. She acting is also very famous and Nice. Anjula Rajapaksha acting in sinhala Teledramas, Sinhala films and Songs music videos. they are very beautiful. Also she acting in some advertizement and very popular

Indian Beauty Actress Ramya Krishaindra

Ramya Krishaindra  is very beautiful and Nice Indian Actress and Models. Her acting and Modeling are so Beautiful and Famous. Ramya Krishaindra  acting in Indian Move, Hindi films and Very Popular Bollywood Films and They are very Popular in all over the world. Ramya Krishaindra  Modeling is also very Nice and Beautiful.

Aloka Weerasingha Beauty Actress in Sri Lanka

Aloka Weerasingha is very Beauty Actress in Sri Lanka and her acting is very Nice and Beautiful. Aloka Weerasingha is also Modeling and Her Models are nice and Beauty. Aloka Weerasingha is nice and Beauty Acting, Modeling. loka Weerasingha is very Beauty Models in Sri Lanka.

Actress Sinaina Beautiful Indian Actress

Sinaina is very Nice and Beautiful Indian Actress and Models. Sinaina acting in Indian Hindi, Telugu and Tamils films and very popular in Bollywood films. Sinaina Modeling is very popular and Beautiful. Her Popular with all over the World.

Chaturika Peris and Ranjan Ramanayaka sri lankan Cinema

Chaturika Peris and Ranjan Ramanayaka is very Popular Actress and Actor in Sri Lankan Sinhala Cinema. Chaturika Peris is Very Popular Actress and Doing Cinema, Teledrama, and Advertisement and Songs music. Ranjan Ramanayak is very Popular and Handsom actor and He is doing Talented Acting.